Tuesday 4 November 2014

THE MENTORMORPHOSIS Is the initiative of Faithgane Foundation to cause a conversion in mind (Psyche) “improved way of thinking”...

The word MENTORMORPHOSIS was coined from two ‘Common’ English words: Mentorship and Metamorphosis to form The ‘Uncommon’ Mentormorphosis.


MENTORship is a voluntary developmental relationship between two people, a ‘Mentor’ usually more experienced or more knowledgeable who is willing to help guide another individual’s growth, usually a ‘Mentee’ who is less experienced or less knowledgeable but submissive and ready always to serve.

The person who is receiving mentoring may also be referred to as a protégé (male), a protégée (female), or an apprentice but most recently used as a mentee.

metaMORPHOSIS is a process of an irreversible conversion in form from a distinct immature or juvenile stage to a distinct mature or adult stage. A subject taught often in Biology as a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.

The Etymology Dictionary refers to it as a marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function.

The British dictionary would refer to it as a complete change of character, appearance e.t.c. For example when a person or thing undergoes metamorphosis there will observable differences.

From the dictionary definitions above we see that metamorphosis applies to a person as much as it does an insect.

The word metamorphosis has its root in the Greek from the word “Meta-“ meaning “Change” and “Morphe” meaning “form”. That is to Change in form – to transform or to transfigure.

THE MENTORMORPHOSIS Is the initiative of Faithgane Foundation to cause a conversion in mind (Psyche) “improved way of thinking” and in form (Appearance, Character) “improved way of living” in the lives of people within the African society through a process of continuous mentoring. 

To further buttress this initiative, we would attempt to distinguish and show the relationship between a Leader and a Mentor.

Difference between A Leader and A Mentor – By Definition:
A Leader is someone who guides and commands a person or group of people toward one objective.

A Mentor is someone usually more experience that helps and guides the development of some other person or group of people with less experience or knowledge.

 The Relationship between Leadership and Mentorship

1.      Mentorship is the little extra in Leadership

2.      Every Mentor is a Leader but not all Leaders are Mentors

3.      You are not a mentor until you are first a leader

4.      The leader’s interest is in where he is going, but the mentor’s interest is in who is following

5.      The Leader may have followers, but the Mentor have successors

6.       The Leader’s focus is on the objective or set goals but the Mentor’s focus is on the development of the one being lead.

Our Objectives At The Mentormorphosis

1.      To cause a shift in paradigm from the “Common” Leadership ideology to the “Uncommon” Mentorship Philosophy. #theuncommoncommon

2.      To encourage and support the practice of mentoring

3.      To inform, educate and inspire the need for mentoring as a tool for sustaining economic growth.

4.      To use mentorship as a tool in stimulating Pan-Africanism

5.      To bridge the development divide in Africa with key focus on disoriented, discontented youths.

6.      To promote scholarship awards for talented youths across Africa.


Faithgane Convictions

1.      The failure we see in our leadership is as a result of the lack of Mentorship
2.      Africa reformation is possible only when mentorship is amplified in all sectors
3.      There can be no steady economic growth in Africa without mentorship
4.      The human capacity development of Africans in the 21st century will be the result of direct mentoring.

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