Monday 15 December 2014

Just before you cast your vote, you may need to consider this!

Now we about to elect a new president, governor, senator, etc. And I am thinking, what diligence have we done to access the worth of their values? It should be obvious to us by now that we don’t get the best results in judging their personalities from biased emotions or psycho-physical extremes. Our best verdict for the quality of their personality has never been our best verdict for the quality of their values. Now we are repeating the same mistake accessing the aspirants on a blurred image.
"To give the right verdict, you have to answer the right questions"

- Owen Iyiewuare

Monday 24 November 2014


While addressing the eager-to-learn participants, the Agricbusiness Strategist noted that Mentors are humans and as such Mentees should learn to listen with their eyes and ears, ask questions and be willing to follow through.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

A New hope for Africa was born.

The just concluded conference of The Mentormorphosis - evolution of hybrid leaders was indeed phenomenon as participants were inspired and motivated for exploits in the coming years. A New hope for Africa was born.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Evolution of Hybrid Leaders

Join us this Saturday as we evolve the 1st generation of hybrid leaders.

Venue: TRIEDENT SUITES 14a, Ladipo Oluwole Street, Off Adeniyi Jones, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria.
Date: 15.11.14
Time: 9:00 am Prompt.

A Drama Teacher Inspires an Oscar-Winning Performance

Anyone who has ever seen a movie knows the name Tom Hanks. The award-winning actor is one of the world’s most popular entertainers whose films have grossed over $4 billion worldwide. Though most people know him from movies and television, Hanks’s acting career began in the halls of Skyline Hills High School in Oakland, California, under the direction of drama teacher Rawley Farnsworth.

Eager to learn the craft, Hanks took all six of Farnsworth’s classes, during which Farnsworth immediately spotted a genuine comedic talent but encouraged Hanks to be a more dramatic and versatile actor. “Tom was very smart in that respect,” recalls Farnsworth. “I always knew he would go places.”

Indeed, Hanks did. In 1993, he won an Academy Award for his gripping depiction of Andrew Beckett, a lawyer infected with AIDS fighting against bigotry and homophobia in the film, Philadelphia. During his emotional Oscar speech, Hanks credited his experiences with Farnsworth as a major source of inspiration.

“Here’s what I know… I would not be standing here if it weren’t for two very important men in my life, two I haven’t spoken with in a while but I had the pleasure of just the other evening – Mr. Rawley Farnsworth, who was my high school drama teacher, who taught me ‘Act well the part, there all the glory lies’, and one of my classmates under Mr. Farnsworth, Mr. John Gilkerson. I mention their names because they are two of the finest gay Americans, two wonderful men that I had the good fortune to be associated with, to fall under their inspiration at such a young age. I wish my babies could have the same sort of teacher, the same sort of friends.”

In thanking Farnsworth that night in front of millions of people, Hanks reminded us of the true value and inspiration that teachers bring.

A Journalist Learns the Importance of the Story



When it comes to journalists, they don’t come any greater than Walter Cronkite. Often called “the most trusted man in America,” Cronkite covered nearly every major news event in his sixty-year career. He liked to tell stories with great passion, a passion he learned from his high school journalism teacher, Fred Birney.

As a student at San Jacinto High School in Houston, Cronkite was inspired by Birney’s pioneering efforts and passion for journalism. During a time when few schools had journalism classes or student newspapers, Birney convinced the Houston Board of Education to allow him to teach a journalism class once a week at three local high schools.

“He was a newspaperman of the old school and taught us a great deal about reporting and writing. He also became a sponsor of the San Jacinto High School newspaper, the Campus Cub. Under his tutelage, we published it monthly, whereas it had previously been published in a casual manner, just three or four times a year. During my junior year, I was the sports editor of the Campus Cub and its chief editor in my senior year,” recalled Cronkite.

Upon nearing graduation, Cronkite was torn between pursuing a career in journalism and becoming a mining engineer. But thanks to Birney, the choice was clear.

“He taught me so much in those high school classes, and by securing me early jobs, he cemented my desire to be a reporter for the rest of my life. He was my major inspiration. I always credit Fred Birney for my career,” added Cronkite.

The Man Who Inspired Gandhi

There are few people who have had a more profound effect on the world than Mahatma Gandhi. As mentioned earlier, he was an inspiration for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as for Nelson Mandela and so many others.

Gandhi also learned from someone, Dadabhai Naoroji, an Indian leader who helped to start the Indian Independence Movement in 1857. Upon learning of Naoroji’s intentions, Gandhi was eager to join in the efforts. In 1888, he wrote Naoroji a letter, which read, “…you will, therefore oblige me greatly if you will kindly direct and guide me and make necessary suggestions which shall be received as from a father to his child.”

Naoroji took Gandhi under his wing and instilled in him the importance of peaceful protests. Thanks to the teachings, Gandhi was able to hold the largest demonstration of nonviolent resistance in 1947, which handed the country of India back to its people. Upon describing their relationship further, Gandhi would later write, “The story of a life so noble and yet so simple needs no introduction from me or anybody else. May it be an inspiration to the readers even as Dadabhai living was to me. And so Dadabhai became real DADA to me.”

Wednesday 12 November 2014

A Professor Helps Bring a Dream to Life


Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an iconic and heroic leader in the advancement of civil rights in the United States and around the world and one of the most inspiring individuals to ever live. Like many others, he developed ambitions for social change as young adult, ambitions that were nurtured and supported by his mentor, Dr. Benjamin Mays, a distinguished African American minister and scholar. The two met when Dr. King was only fourteen years old and attended Morehouse College, where Dr. Mays was president.

After meeting Dr. King and his family, Dr. Mays took an immediate liking to the young student, instantly recognizing something special in him. The feeling was mutual, as Dr. King looked forward to attending Mays’s Tuesday sermons to the student body and oftenstuck around to chat with Mays afterward.

The two formed a close bond, allowing Mays to share many ideas that would heavily influence King’s activism. He taught him about Gandhi’s principles of nonviolent protest and stressed the importance of upholding the dignity of all human beings despite unfair social practices. They remained close for the duration of Dr. King’s life, and Dr. King would come to refer to Dr. Mays as his “spiritual and emotional father.”

A Grandmother Provides the Muse for a Singer

Gloria Estefan is one of the most successful singer-songwriters of all time. Along with the band, Miami Sound Machine, the Cuban-born Estefan has sold over 90 million albums worldwide and has won seven Grammy awards.

There was a time in her life, however, when Estefan had doubts about following the path of music, despite her natural abilities to perform–doubts that she overcame thanks to the help of her grandmother, Consuelo Garcia.

Garcia, according to her famous granddaughter, was a woman ahead of her time; someone who wanted to be a lawyer even thought it was unheard of for a woman to do so, and someone who could easily inspire others with her strong spirit.

“The most valuable lessons I learned from my grandmother were to discover what makes you happy, and do it with as much energy and joy as you can muster,” said Estefan. “And that success takes perseverance, determination, and an unwavering belief in what you have chosen to do. My grandmother always pointed out my strengths and filled me with hope for the future. She constantly nourished my inquisitiveness and shared many quests for seeking answers to my questions. She wasn’t afraid to let me see her vulnerability and made that intimacy an asset to be celebrated. Primarily through her example, I learned that we, as women, have limitless potential. I finally said yes to music because of her.”

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Inspiring the Inspired – 7 Mentors of Great Historical Figures


Inspiration comes in a variety of forms. Many of us look to famous artists, intellectuals, entertainers and world leaders in search of ways to help us think, create, problem-solve and achieve. Yet, even the most famous and respected figures rely on personal mentors and heroes who are often a friend, family member, or teacher—an ordinary person whose wisdom, guidance and support has inspired them to achieve the extraordinary. The following are a few such examples.

A Music Teacher Inspires a President

As the 42nd President of the United States, William Jefferson Clinton is widely considered to be one of the most influential people of the 20th century. During his administration, the United States enjoyed more peace and economic well-being than at any other time in its history, and he was the first Democratic president since Franklin D. Roosevelt to win a second term. Clinton was often thought of as the “People’s President,” thanks to his down-to-earth demeanor and blue-collar appeal. One of his most memorable moments happened when he appeared on the “Arsenio Hall Show” while on the campaign trail. Clinton dazzled the world by showing off his saxophone skills, which he learned from one of the most influential people in his life: Virgil M. Spurlin.
An early influence on a teenage Clinton, Spurlin was the band director at Hot Springs High School. According to Clinton, Spurlin taught him more than just music, and their relationship was part of the reason Clinton decided to go into politics. In interviews, Clinton praises his teacher for always trying to find things that people were good at and for teaching him how to get organized and allocate resources while on yearly band trips. “I really felt that my early years with him convinced me that I could organize and run things. That I could do whatever I wanted to do and that I could actually marshal other people in a common effort, and of course if you’re in politics that’s very important,” said Clinton.
Clinton remained close to Spurlin until he passed away, and their relationship is just one example of how a teacher can inspire a future leader to hit the right notes.

Oprah Winfrey Learns Her Greatest Lesson

Oprah Winfrey is without question one of the world’s most celebrated personalities. She has inspired millions with her television show, magazines, movies and humanitarian efforts. Though, Oprah wasn’t always the strong woman she is today. As a child, she was very insecure but found strength in her fourth grade teacher, Mary Duncan.
Duncan instantly recognized something special in Winfrey and could tell that something was holding her back, so she encouraged her to read aloud for the class, which helped Winfrey overcome her nerves and gain self-confidence. Duncan also stayed after school with Winfrey on a regular basis, taking her under her wing and asking her to help out with classroom tasks. “She helped me choose books and let me help her grade papers,” recalls Winfrey, stressing the importance of their relationship. “A mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself. A mentor is someone who allows you to know that no matter how dark the night, in the morning joy will come. A mentor is someone who allows you to see the higher part of yourself when sometimes it becomes hidden to your own view. I don’t think anybody makes it in the world without some form of mentorship. And we are all mentors to people, even when we don’t know it.”
Many years later, Winfrey’s producers surprised her by bringing Mary Duncan onto the show, something which she describes as one of the most memorable experiences of her life. “My eyes filled with tears, and I said, ‘Mrs. Duncan had a name! Her name is Mary.’ As a child, I hadn’t even considered that Mrs. Duncan might have had a life beyond our class. It was in her class that I really came into myself. After all these years, I could say ‘thank you’ to a woman who had a powerful impact on my early life.”

To be continued!

Join us as we evolve the first generation of hybrid leaders this Saturday the 15th of November 2014 @ TRIEDENT SUITES - 14a, Ladipo Oluwole Street, Off Adeniyi Jones, Ikeja, Lagos. Nigeria.
Time: 9:00am Prompt.

Monday 10 November 2014

Don't die old, die empty. - Dr Myles Munroe

Oh what a man, what a message, what a mandate. An out pouring of soul for humanity. Die Empty was his message. He had travelled far and wide sending this message to the hearts of everyone who cared less. Live for a purpose, maximize your potential, fulfill your destiny, become the best God created you to be. Don't feed the cemetery with your untapped potential. You have written One book; you can write Ten more, you own a boutique; you can have your Brand outfit and line of fashion, you own a Barbing salon; you can have an industry that produces the machines and materials needed for salon operations, you own a fish farm; you can have processed fish meal, you sell tomatoes at the market; you can own your own brand of processed tomatoes. Do more, Be more, Live more. The cemetery today is filled with unrealized dreams, inventions, innovations and potentials. Go to the cemetery and rob it. Don't die old, die empty. These were his heart invigorative words.

Indeed we are eternally grateful to you sir for giving all of yourself to humanity. You have emptied it all for us. Your death is not a lose but a plus as you have raised successors all across the world just like Jesus who died as one but through his death he raised many to glory. Though it appears we have lost something precious but in reality we have gained something eternal. Hence your death is no loss in itself but was swallowed up in victory.

Have you been inspired, motivated by Dr Myles Munroe, If yes, please take a moment to say a word of prayer for the family and share your testimony on this blog. Kindly use the ash tag #dieempty.

See how the Foundation gives hope to people.

Just when it seems all hope were lost for a promising gospel music artiste - Omo Praise Omojugbagbe popularly known as “Omopraize”,  The Foundation Scholarship Initiative (FGSI) steps In with a sponsorship support of the sum of N500,000 (Five hundred thousand naira) for his Audio CD production, thereby fulfilling the foundation's mandate of giving hope to people and helping them fulfill their dreams.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Tyler Perry - Don't Make a Black Woman Take Off Her Earrings

What I've found about it is that there are some folks you can talk to until you're blue in the face--they're never going to get it and they're never going to change. But every once in a while, you'll run into someone who is eager to listen, eager to learn, and willing to try new things. Those are the people we need to reach. We have a responsibility as parents, older people, teachers, people in the neighborhood to recognize that.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

THE MENTORMORPHOSIS Is the initiative of Faithgane Foundation to cause a conversion in mind (Psyche) “improved way of thinking”...

The word MENTORMORPHOSIS was coined from two ‘Common’ English words: Mentorship and Metamorphosis to form The ‘Uncommon’ Mentormorphosis.


MENTORship is a voluntary developmental relationship between two people, a ‘Mentor’ usually more experienced or more knowledgeable who is willing to help guide another individual’s growth, usually a ‘Mentee’ who is less experienced or less knowledgeable but submissive and ready always to serve.

The person who is receiving mentoring may also be referred to as a protégé (male), a protégée (female), or an apprentice but most recently used as a mentee.

metaMORPHOSIS is a process of an irreversible conversion in form from a distinct immature or juvenile stage to a distinct mature or adult stage. A subject taught often in Biology as a profound change in form from one stage to the next in the life history of an organism, as from the caterpillar to the pupa and from the pupa to the adult butterfly.

The Etymology Dictionary refers to it as a marked change in appearance, character, condition, or function.

The British dictionary would refer to it as a complete change of character, appearance e.t.c. For example when a person or thing undergoes metamorphosis there will observable differences.

From the dictionary definitions above we see that metamorphosis applies to a person as much as it does an insect.

The word metamorphosis has its root in the Greek from the word “Meta-“ meaning “Change” and “Morphe” meaning “form”. That is to Change in form – to transform or to transfigure.

THE MENTORMORPHOSIS Is the initiative of Faithgane Foundation to cause a conversion in mind (Psyche) “improved way of thinking” and in form (Appearance, Character) “improved way of living” in the lives of people within the African society through a process of continuous mentoring. 

To further buttress this initiative, we would attempt to distinguish and show the relationship between a Leader and a Mentor.

Difference between A Leader and A Mentor – By Definition:
A Leader is someone who guides and commands a person or group of people toward one objective.

A Mentor is someone usually more experience that helps and guides the development of some other person or group of people with less experience or knowledge.

 The Relationship between Leadership and Mentorship

1.      Mentorship is the little extra in Leadership

2.      Every Mentor is a Leader but not all Leaders are Mentors

3.      You are not a mentor until you are first a leader

4.      The leader’s interest is in where he is going, but the mentor’s interest is in who is following

5.      The Leader may have followers, but the Mentor have successors

6.       The Leader’s focus is on the objective or set goals but the Mentor’s focus is on the development of the one being lead.

Our Objectives At The Mentormorphosis

1.      To cause a shift in paradigm from the “Common” Leadership ideology to the “Uncommon” Mentorship Philosophy. #theuncommoncommon

2.      To encourage and support the practice of mentoring

3.      To inform, educate and inspire the need for mentoring as a tool for sustaining economic growth.

4.      To use mentorship as a tool in stimulating Pan-Africanism

5.      To bridge the development divide in Africa with key focus on disoriented, discontented youths.

6.      To promote scholarship awards for talented youths across Africa.


Faithgane Convictions

1.      The failure we see in our leadership is as a result of the lack of Mentorship
2.      Africa reformation is possible only when mentorship is amplified in all sectors
3.      There can be no steady economic growth in Africa without mentorship
4.      The human capacity development of Africans in the 21st century will be the result of direct mentoring.

Sunday 2 November 2014

“The mentors in my life, inspired me to fulfill my highest potential.” Lailah Gifty Akita

Lailah Gifty Akita is a Ghanaian and founder of Smart Youth Volunteers Foundation. She obtained a BSc in Renewable Natural Resources Management at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ghana. She also had MPhil in Oceanography at the University of Ghana. She is PhD-Student, Studying Geosciences at International Max Planck Research School for Global Biogeochemical Cycles-Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany (2011 to date). Lailah is an influential lady with the passion of empowering the mind of young people to make a great difference.

Saturday 1 November 2014

THE 1st Evolution of hybrid leaders. A must Attend!

Invitation As A Special Guest Participant On Mentorship And Africa Revolution.
FaithGane Foundation is a non-governmental organization whose interest is to raise a people who are disciplined, excellent, and orderly through mentorship and training programmes aimed at making them champions for world impact.

Consequently, the foundation is hosting its first Mentorship Conference (The Mentormorphosis - Evolution of Hybrid Leaders).

Theme: Mentorship And Africa Revolution
Date: Saturday November 15th, 2014.
Time: 9:00am
Venue: TRIEDENT HOTEL – 14a, Ladipo Oluwole Street, Off Adeniyi Jones, Ikeja.

You are hereby invited as a special guest participant on the following:

Paper Delivery;

1. The failure in Leadership – the lack of mentorship
2. Understanding the place of Vision in Mentorship
3. The Art of Mentorship – Understanding the Mentor -2- Mentee relationship

Topics of Discuss;

1. Mentorship and Pan-Africanism
2. The role of Mentorship in sustainable economic growth for Africa
3. The role of Mentorship and youth employability
4. The failure in Leadership – the lack of mentorship

We also have an opportunity for advert placement in the following media:
·         Exhibition of your products and services
·         The Encounter – Champions journal for global impact (Our quarterly Magazine)
·         Banner (Back drop & Portrait)  
·         The Mentormorphosis Exercise Notebook

Kindly contact the following phone numbers; 07939101203, 09094819615 for enquiry.  
Join us as we evolve the 1st generation of hybrid leaders
Thank you for your valued response.


Owen Iyiewuare
Secretary General
Faithgane Foundation

Thursday 30 October 2014

The Mentormorphosis Definition of Mentorship

MENTORship is a voluntary developmental relationship between two people, a ‘Mentor’ usually more experienced or more knowledgeable who is willing to help guide another individual’s growth, usually a ‘Mentee’ who is less experienced or less knowledgeable but submissive and ready always to serve.

The person who is receiving mentoring may also be referred to as a protégé (male), a protégée (female), or an apprentice but recently it is commonly used as a mentee.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Value for one another is requisite for nation building. The Mentormorphosis - evolution of hybrid leaders comes up on Nov.15. 14.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Is the initiative of Faithgane Foundation to cause a conversion in mind (Psyche) “improved way of thinking” and in form (Appearance, Character) “improved way of living” in the lives of people within the African society through a process of continuous mentoring.  

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Failure in leadership is as a result of lack of mentorship. #thementormorphosis