Sunday 15 February 2015

Institutionalize Entrepreneurship in your Organization - BY Strive Masiyiwa

Institutionalize Entrepreneurship, in your Organization (Part 2).

It is not possible for an organization to grow big, on the ideas of one person. Even if that person is a brilliant entrepreneur.
Once, you as the "founding" entrepreneur have managed to start a business, and it is growing. One of your most important tasks, if you want the business to continue to grow, even for decades or more, and certainly when you have retired, or even died; you must institutionalize a culture of entrepreneurship. And this starts with the ability to identify and recruit entrepreneurs....and also hold on to them.
Let me tell you a secret:
The most important people in any organization, are the entrepreneurs, also known as "intra preneurs". Some of them are senior executives, some are senior managers, some are top engineers, some are supervisors, some are factory workers, some even sweepers!

"Oh, how I wish all the people that ever work for me, were all entrepreneurs!"

Take a company, like Toyota, GE, or IBM. The founders are long gone, and yet these giant companies can create new innovations, start new businesses. They can identify new opportunities... They can do everything, an entrepreneur can do; but they do it institutionally.
Every year they register thousands of patents, and develop new ventures.
If you ever get a chance to read the stories of great business leaders like Jack Welch, and Ann Fudge, you realize that they were amazing entrepreneurs, and yet they did not own the businesses they were running. Being an entrepreneur, at its best, is a way of thinking.

To be continued...
It is not possible for an organization to grow big, on the ideas of one person. Even if that person is a brilliant entrepreneur.
Once, you as the "founding" entrepreneur have managed to start a business, and it is growing. One of your most important tasks, if you want the business to continue to grow, even for decades or more, and certainly when you have retired, or even died; you must institutionalize a culture of entrepreneurship. And this starts with the ability to identify and recruit entrepreneurs....and also hold on to them.
Let me tell you a secret:
The most important people in any organization, are the entrepreneurs, also known as "intra preneurs". Some of them are senior executives, some are senior managers, some are top engineers, some are supervisors, some are factory workers, some even sweepers!
"Oh, how I wish all the people that ever work for me, were all entrepreneurs!"
Take a company, like Toyota, GE, or IBM. The founders are long gone, and yet these giant companies can create new innovations, start new businesses. They can identify new opportunities... They can do everything, an entrepreneur can do; but they do it institutionally.
Every year they register thousands of patents, and develop new ventures.
If you ever get a chance to read the stories of great business leaders like Jack Welch, and Ann Fudge, you realize that they were amazing entrepreneurs, and yet they did not own the businesses they were running. Being an entrepreneur, at its best, is a way of thinking.
To be continued...

Saturday 14 February 2015

Work as an Entrepreneur, in your job. - By Strive Masiyiwa

Strive Masiyiwa - Chairman and Founder Econet Group has this to say on how to work in an organization.

Work as an Entrepreneur, in your job. (Part 1)
"Oh, how I wish all God's people were entrepreneurs!"
A young man asked me once, "when did you first become an entrepreneur?" And was quite surprised by my reply:
"I have been an entrepreneur, for as long as I can remember."

"Were you an entrepreneur, when you worked for someone else?" He asked.
"Yes, I was. Even when I was employed by someone else, I worked for them, as an entrepreneur." I explained.
"Is that why you went off to start, your own business?"
"No; not really."
There was a pause:
"Sir, I don't understand? I always thought entrepreneurs, start their own businesses?"
"Not necessarily. Some of the best entrepreneurs in history, and even today, do not start their own businesses. Its not necessary."
Then I added:
"If my employers, at the time, had recognized me as entrepreneur and deployed me, in such a way as to allow me to express myself as an entrepreneur, I would have stayed, and helped them to build a bigger and more successful organization."
A long pause, as he reflected on my comments:
"Sir, I'm a bit confused? Are you saying that I can be an employee, and an entrepreneur at the same time?"
"Yes, that is what I'm saying to you. It's best to always function as an entrepreneur in your job. ....successful organizations are those who employ entrepreneurs and deploy them properly. need an entrepreneur to start a company, but you need entrepreneurs, at all levels of a growing company.
Work as an Entrepreneur, in your job. (Part 1)

"Oh, how I wish all God's people were entrepreneurs!"
A young man asked me once, "when did you first  become an entrepreneur?" And was quite surprised by my reply:
"I have been an entrepreneur, for as long as I can remember."

"Were you an entrepreneur, when you worked for someone else?" He asked.
"Yes, I was. Even when I was employed by someone else, I worked for them, as an entrepreneur."  I explained. 
"Is that why you went off to start, your own business?"
"No; not really."

There was a pause:
"Sir, I don't understand? I always thought entrepreneurs, start their own businesses?"
"Not necessarily. Some of the best entrepreneurs in history, and even today, do not start their own businesses. Its not necessary."
Then I added:
"If my employers, at the time, had recognized me as entrepreneur and deployed me, in such a way as to allow me to express myself as an entrepreneur, I would have stayed, and helped them to build a bigger and more successful organization."
A long pause, as he reflected on my comments:

"Sir, I'm a bit confused? Are you saying that I can be an employee, and an entrepreneur at the same time?"
"Yes, that is what I'm saying to you. It's best to always function as an entrepreneur in your job. ....successful organizations are those who employ entrepreneurs and deploy them properly. need an entrepreneur to start a company, but you need entrepreneurs, at all levels of a growing company.

There are 100 year old companies, that are developing amazing new products, and re-inventing themselves constantly. They may not call it, using such cool words as "entrepreneur", but they employ entrepreneurs, to drive change and innovation. Being an entrepreneur, is at its best a way of thinking, and a mindset."

Then I sighed, and paraphrased Moses, the prophet:
"Oh, how I wish all God's people were entrepreneurs."

Entrepreneurs are the most treasured, and most valued employees, in any organization, that wants to be successful:
See it as a way of thinking!
Become an entrepreneur, in your job!
Being an entrepreneur at work does not mean, start a little business on the side. It means apply yourself in your job, as an entrepreneur, and make the organization you work for a great success.

To be continued...
There are 100 year old companies, that are developing amazing new products, and re-inventing themselves constantly. They may not call it, using such cool words as "entrepreneur", but they employ entrepreneurs, to drive change and innovation. Being an entrepreneur, is at its best a way of thinking, and a mindset."
Then I sighed, and paraphrased Moses, the prophet:
"Oh, how I wish all God's people were entrepreneurs."
Entrepreneurs are the most treasured, and most valued employees, in any organization, that wants to be successful:
See it as a way of thinking!
Become an entrepreneur, in your job!
Being an entrepreneur at work does not mean, start a little business on the side. It means apply yourself in your job, as an entrepreneur, and make the organization you work for a great success.
To be continued...